Nassim Taleb

Skin in the Game

To quote Mr. Taleb,

“For the central attribute is symmetry: the balancing of incentives and disincentives, people should also penalised if something for which they are responsible goes wrong and hurts others: he or she who wants a share of the benefits needs to also share some of the risks.”1

Or as I simply understand – you want the benefits, start taking risks.

After my first listen of the audio book, Skin in the Game reminded me that to truly make inroads, progress and eventual success – personally, professionally – I need(ed) to step up. As Mr. Taleb states here in his Medium post from 2018, “What do I mean by Skin in the Game? My Own Version,”

“Courage is the only virtue that can’t be faked (or gamed like metrics.”2

Not for one moment do I feel I have a true understanding or application of the greater comments the author presents. I do, however appreciate the idea of ‘getting stuck in’ and starting to achieve a goal, that I measure as I progress.

Listening for a 2nd time to the audiobook should give me a (re)new(ed) found understanding of this book.